Module 2: Preparing for CBI

2.5 Organizational cash readiness

As IOM responds to the growing call and expanding funding for CBI, there is an acknowledgement that individual technical capacity must be supported by internal organizational structures, systems, policies and procedures that improve readiness to design and implement effective CBI. An organizational cash readiness assessment seeks to assess existing capacities and prior experience, readiness to respond through cash or vouchers in the event of a new emergency or escalation of a crisis, and current levels of compliance with IOM policies (and audit requirements) for grants that contain cash and voucher components. It is not meant for an audit nor a quick assessment of one part of an organization in isolation; instead, the assessment is meant to involve a broad range of staff from across departments and locations. When undertaking a capacity assessment, also consider monitoring and evaluation (M&E) functions, IT infrastructure and complaints and feedback mechanisms.


Figure 3: Capacities to Consider before Implementing CBI


Adapted from the e-learning module “Core CVA skills for Supply chain, Finance and ICT staff”, developed by the Fritz Institute and the CALP Network, in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee.


As with any type of intervention implemented by IOM, ensure that a solid information management system is in place to guarantee the proper management of the beneficiary and distribution data which will be collected throughout the implementation phase. Consider that personal beneficiary data needs to be stored securely according to IOM’s Data Protection Principles, and that distribution records should be clearly preserved to retain institutional knowledge. At the global level the Assistance Tracking System (ATS) has been designed and developed to provide missions with a digital solution to address their information management needs. For further information on the adoption and roll out of the ATS in your mission, kindly contact

Organizational Cash Readiness Assesment